You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Managing Completed Invoices, Picking Slips and Quotes

Managing Completed Invoices, Picking Slips and Quotes

Once you have finished processing an invoice, you can process the order as a sale or backorder, or hold it as a held invoice, batched invoice, or customer quotation. These options are available under the FILE menu on the Invoice Creation screen.

Invoice Creation - File - Print Invoice

Dealing with Negative Stock

Processing Cash Payments

Allocating Unassigned Credits

Invoice Creation - File - Post Sales Order

Invoice Creation - File - Hold

Invoice Creation - File - Send to Smart Freight

Invoice Creation - File - Supply Chain (v2.8)

Processing Cash Payments - Supply Chain (v2.8)

Invoice Creation - File - Supply Chain-Wait (v2.8)

Invoice Creation - File - Picking Slip

Invoice Creation - File - Batch Print

Invoice Creation - File - Post Suspend

Invoice Creation - File - Post Consignment Transfer

Invoice Creation - File - Post as Backorder - All Lines

Invoice Creation - File - Post as Backorder - B/O Lines Only

Invoice Creation - File - Paperless Picking

Invoice Creation - File - Delete

Invoice Creation - File - Lost Sale

Invoice Creation - File - Print Quote